Saturday, April 19, 2014

Week 82- I got robbed again...

   We had a really good week this week, one of the miracle that's happend was when we were in interchanges and we talked with some guy in the street that told us he was a less active and that he wanted us to visit him. The next day we stopped by his house and there was 7 people there!!! we had an awesome lesson and the spirit was soo strong, we taught the doctrine of opposition and they all promised to go to church the next day. and of course they did go!! and they asked personally for an interview with the bishop, it was such a good day. 

   The ward is getting down to work now that there are 3 companionships working, we had another meeting where we divided even better the areas boundries and everyone was happy. Yesterday we had to get the whole zone together because the presidente was going to talk to everyone, we all seperated into our distinct districts and the president walked into each one and talked to each district personally. He talked to us about abenadi and how he never got to see any of his converts, but we should all work as hard as possible because our work will always be worth it. 

   This week we got bus robbed, we were in the bus returning home to our house when 3 guys came into the bus and robbed everyone even the driver. It's like the old school train rob, but on a bus and really there is nothing you can do about it. I felt good thought not being the only person getting robbed haha

   The power also went out in our colonia, and we had to teach a couple people  under candle light which was cool. You know it's been a long time since I've shared my testimony in spanish:

    Bueno, yo sé que JesuCristo es mi salvador, he podido sentir su poder expiatorio en mi vida y en mi mision, me he acercado mas a el que cual quira de mis compañeros o aun mi presidente. Sé que las escrituras }, especialmente el libro de mormon contiene las respuestas a todo, he podido escudriñar mas que nunca en mi vida las escriturars y soy testigo que hay informacion sin fin para aprender, Soy testigo del poder de arrepentimiento, he visto el cambio en mi, y en mis compañeros. Queiro mas que nada regresar con honor de mi mision, habiendo servido al señor con todo lo que tengo. Estoy muy agredecido por el poder de mi cuerpo tan maravilloso, he podido soportar las dificultades por un año y medio. Lo sé y lo comparto en el nombre de Jesucristo, amen. 
  Ok, I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior, I was able to feel his power in my life and in my mission, I gotten more closer to him than any of my companions or even the mission president. I know that the scriptures, specially the Book of Mormon contains the answers to everything, I was able to really ponder in my  scripture study and I'm a witness that there is guide in the scriptures every day. Im a witness of the power of repentance, I have seen the change in myself, and in my companions. I want more than ever to return with Honor, having been able to serve the Lord with everything I have. Im very grateful for the power in my own body, because I was able to support myself in difficult times in the last year and half. I know, and I share this with you, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
                                                 Elder Orwday

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