Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 80

   Hey I don't know why my letter last week didn't get sent but, nothing cool happend.....NOT Every week in the mission is awesome.

  To start out this week, we had CHANGES!!! but I'm staying in Iztacalco again with Elder Hernandez and were going to dominate another change together. We're still fixing the little problems in our relation ship, but they really don't interfeer with the work and  they opened up Iztacalco 3!!!! so there are going to be 6 elders in the ward,. They would've pút sisters here but the area is really ugly  and fairly dangerous, I haven't been assaulted for like 2 months now. We had a meeting with our bishop where he told us that he was going to release our mission leader because he wasn't doing anything and he was going to call a new super strict mean one, I'll be happy with a mean mission leader if he works hard.
  Today we played volleyball with the elders of our ward and when to a street food stand to get some huge hamburgers, it was a blast and I showed everyone how to dive for a frisbee, hahahaha. They called some new District leaders to the zone and there was some serious changes in the mission. If your guys remember my first area Contreras...it got divided as well and now there are 6 missionaries in the ward, and my "son" Elder Johnson is now going to be training!!! WHICH MEANS I'm going to have another grand child. that's 2 children, 3 grandchildren, and 1 great grand child. Actually Elder Clark, my first grandchild, is going home early,. and for the life of me I don't know why, but it makes me sad.
   When I was reporting with Elder Rivera and Elder Jonguitud.. ( which are two compañions that don't get along) they just started fighting in front of me,Elder Rivera had blown a roof and Elder Jong wash't having it. I sat them down and we prayed and told them that if they didn't resolve the problem in the companship inventory that night I was going to call the president, and when they called me that night, they were both happy, they had seriously fixed the problem.
   This week an Elder got lost in our Zone and the President called us during dinner, we had to hop in a taxi and run as fast as we could throught the metro to find the elder and finally when we got the last station in the metro, he was found and we returned to finish eating. Things are really good in the mission. 
            -Elder Ordway

P.S : Oh i forgot to say, that i bought a ballin new suit, that is gray, with silver strips!!!

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