Wednesday, March 19, 2014

week 78- I mean the 16th of September is my release day

   Well this week was really good, where to begin. Well last week, we got a presidency in the mission, President Valadez, 1st counsler Pres. Villanueva, and 2nd counselor  Pres Brailsford. Pres Villanueva came to our house last week and fixed up almost all of the problems that we had. He's really handy, and he sent us to the street stores to buy some tools.

   We did a lot of work this week, we still have been able to teach 40 lesson but this week were going to do it, today we have 7 lessons planned in 3 hours, so were commited to doing it this week. W've been contacting a lot and We have some good investigators going. Martin has been fighting off his addictions and now has 2 weeks without smoking, he's been smoking his whole life, 25 years of smoking  and he's going strong, our fast really helped him out a lot.

   I had a good birthday. I really didn't do anything new. My comp didn't even remember haha, but I almost forgot too. We just got together with the president with the sister training leaders and other zone leaders and we re-did the study plan that we have as a mission, it was literally like a counsil where we all made up new ideas and it went well. Then we worked for the rest of the day. 

   I got my pants back from a sister in the ward that sewed it up,. now they look really sweet. Oh yeah, I looked for top ramen and that's what I had for my birthday dinner. It was awesome. Yesterday Elder Hernandez and I called up 3 jumbo pizzas and enjoyed our night as we ate pizza, when I woke up I was sick. You really can't even trust the pizza here in mexico, even the pizza gets you sick.

   We went the the police store to buy Elder Hernandez a bag, I ended up buying a sweet belt that iI attached to my bag that now support all the weight on my hips, it was the best idea I ever had. Now I don't feel dead when I get to the house. In the bus my drink exploded all over me and the bus driver was furious, some lady gave me a little napkin, but we got off as soon as possible. I saw a member from my second ward over by the mission offices which was sweet.

    I gave a talk in church sunday, and for some reason I  was really really nervous, the talk was good but my voice was soo shaky, I  think that is the only talent that I  dont have, is talk in public, speaking of which we have a Zone training this week and Elder Hernandez and I are going to give it. 


           Elder Ordway

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