Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week 77- Well I'm 21 now!!!!

    Well my mission is being hastened faster than missionary work. haha I feel like every week is like a day. We had a lot of success this week. oh yeah before getting into the details....I will be 21 years old!! To celebrate it, we are going to make a new training plan with the president and we have a lot of lessons planned, let's see if my comp remembers that it's my birthday. Honestly you just stop thinking about birthdays and holidays in the mission. If feels like a couple weeks ago that I completed 20. 

   We had interchanges and I went with elder Marsh who is one of my favorite missionaries in the mission. He's brand new and doesn't speak spanish still, but it's like working with Jesus Christ as your comp, he's soo humble and christlike. I honestly learned a lot about him. I was remembered when I didn't speak spansih and just relied pruely on the Lord and my comp. 

   The Disobedience has almost been 100% eliminated in the zone. A few elderes that get up late that's all, but our president seriously has such good control over his missionaries, or better said, the Lord has such good control over his children.  I don't remember if I told you guys, but my disobediente comp a few months ago that went to the argentina mission , and who had a hugeeee change in atitude, is now a district leader training and is about to baptize a big family, I still have good comunication with him. 

   Elder Hernandez and I are teaching a lady who live in a chemical warehouse, I seriously want to throw up every time I enter that house, it's like acid to my nose, I hope I don't get cancer or anything like that. But she told us that she prayed and received an answer about the book of mormon,!!! We bought some new pants from an outlet store in our area really really cheap. We sent them in to get fitted. There are sister in our ward that have soo much talent with a sewing maching. I seriously would like to see who would win in a sewing fight between Hermana Solano and Ivanna Nebeker. It would be close. I sent my suit into the hermana and she is fixing every all the whole and ripps free!!! basically all my clothes are ripped and torn, but I wouldn't have it any other way. it shows hard work!! and its pretty hot right now here in mexico city!!

   Today I bought some Rootbeer from an american store, and the sister that fed us today loaded up the plate like never before, I thought I was going to die after the first plate, and then she filled it up again without asking!!! I still feel like I want to die, if there is anything I've learned. is you always have to clean your plate without fail. That's not the first time though. And especially after a fast that we did yesterday for Marting who is trying to quit smoking, he needs all the help he can get!! I found out my return date and its the 10th of september I will be home again in Eugene.

                               Loves Elder Ordway

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