Friday, August 1, 2014

Week 95

Hola Familia:

This week was better than last week, we finally had a coorelacion meeting with our mission leader and made some good plans for the work. We were working hard and found a really chosen family, but both are married to other people and and will have to first both be divorced then married to each other, because they have a baby together. So Elder Ramirez and I will be working with them for a while now. We have some super chosen people that we are teaching and now that I know the whole ward like the back of my hand, its a lot easier to ask members to help us in the teaching. I finished my second study journal, its just full of revaltion and doctrine that I've learned. 

This week we had 3 interchanges. and so my comp and I had alot of time away from each other. Actually some people that he contacted in the street, my interchange comp and I went to visit them, so they didn't know us at all. We helped an investigador fold this paper cardboard things for hours because they needed to get thousands of these things folded by monday. We were given some pancake mix so now everytime someone comes to the area, we make them pancakes, here in mexico it's called HOT cakes. 

We were walking to the stake center the other day when this old skinny guy came up behind me and punched me hard in the arm. I thought it was funny, but he started saying some really bad words to my comp. then the next day we talked with other elderes that this guy had punched, but this elder was alot less patience and spartan kicked him into the wall. man would i have loved to watch that. but then our presidente got informed and its a big deal now, because this guy is always right outside of the stake center,. 

Our area is full of T.J. jehovas witnesses,. Every saturday morning they all go out to knock doors, and its so weird walking around being looked at like the enemy everywhere. I got some cool  pictuers this week and now that the world cup is over, everything is back to normal, for months people didn't leave there houses, and in every little store. there was a tiny tv where you could watch the world cup. we didnt miss anything, walking in the streets.. and when there was a goal, everyone yelled and the whole city lit up with noise. 

Everyone is also on vacations now, wich makes a missionaries life so much easier, because everyone shares your same schedule of being available 24 7. I love Mexico so much, Elder Ordway

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