Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 24

Hola familia!! 

   So yeah, three baptisms fell through. They told us monday that they weren't prepared yet and so we decided to put another date and push it back, between that time they talked with some people and now don't want to listen to us.... It was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my mission. I loved this family and their dad had died and they loved the idea or the fact that they were going to be able to live with him again. I wanted to throw up for a while when we heard the news about them, but it's ok. If they can talk with catholics and lose their testimony like that, they weren't ready for baptism, no matter how much I loved them. 

   This week was rocking though. We had a lot of success and it all started with our p-day that we had on tuesday. We had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple here in mexico, and it was awesome. It's one of the biggest that I've seen and the coolest. Inside and out has a aztec theme and it was sooooo cooool to do a session in spanish. I understood almost everything, except the part right before the celestial room. hahaha. I felt the spirit and I was edified like no other. Having temples here on the earth is one of the most underrated blessings that we have, to renew our testimonies and it's a blessing to be worhty to enter and take advantage of such a miracle. Truly this work is marvelous. 

   So all of my converts are strong in the church and one actually is giving a talk this sunday. I'm so stoked. She is already making plans to go to the temple and do the sealings with her son since her husband died. Also we heard from a primary child in church. She gave a talk in front of everyone and rocked it. It was literally the most informational and spiritual talk I've heard here. from a PRIMARY KID. WOW, I was so ignorant when I was in primary. I would never be able to give a talk like that, let alone, I don't think it's allowed.. but that's just how Mexico roles around here. We have one more week untill exchanges again so there is a huge chance that I'm not going to be with my comp, which is a shame because we are absolutely dominating our area. It's so ripe already to harvest; in fact we found a couple of new people. One of which, we passed by their house and she said that she already read the resturacion folleto (Restoration pamphlet). We asked her how she liked it and she said "me gusto bastante", which means I liked it a ton. Which was weird for someone who is 17. So we left her a plan de salvacion ( Plan of Salvation) and told her that if she like that, she is really going to like this. We had a good humbling experience when we lost those investigators so close to baptism. They had 8 weeks to prepare and  I feel like we falied them, which we probably did. I have this unproven philosophy that if we can teach so well and bear testimony so well that we can take away their abililty to say no, becasue they know that its true. In reality that doesn't work at all, but me and my comp are super good friends. best... naw jk. es broma, but I've decided I want to enter the temple with all of my comps. I feel like God has blessed me with the gift of "falling well" (as they say here in mexico) with people.

    I'm absolutely boss with trompos  too. I have blisters all over my hands from spinning them on my hands and rapping the string around them. It's hard to explain but I would youtube it. It's like a top that you wrap a string around. then you throw it with the string attached to your hands and if your good you can throw it through your legs and around your back, have it role down the string into your other hand. I'm practicing a lot when it's p-days. Today after we deep cleaned our house, I practiced for hours while Elder Mathis shined his shoes and shaved and what not. I have a lot of funny  pictures that we took this week. We contacted a mom and her daughter in the street by offering to haul her bags, and I mean haul they were so heavy. We learned that her daughter is deaf and so her mom taught us a little sign language in spanish. Possibly the most useless language to learn spanish sign language, but me and my comp are learning so that we can teach her the lessons in sign. I don't know how far we will be able to go, but that would be so cool to feel the spirit in sign language. I've heard about all Eric's success in Africa, that's crazy that he's having like 55 investigators at church. We have on average 4 and I'm super happy about that,  but this week I've been feeling the pressure to learn my area better because there is a huge chance that Elder Mathis is gonzo (gone?). He's been here 4 transfers and his time has come. I made some more pancakes and I'm actually really good at making them now. I always make them for people when we have interexchanges with other elders. 

   We are now teaching three different families english, and were are not good teachers. We only know how to speak it. Dogs haven't been a problem for a long time. I don't know what happened. Although Elder Mathis still freaks out every time a chihuahua comes up to us. (I'm serious its not stereotypical) there are huge amounts of chihuahuas here. I saw a puppy laying on the ground just barely had been ran over, still alive and the mom was trying to lick it back to life. I almost threw up again when I saw it twitching. I'm sorry if you guys didn't want to hear that. I got to write three letters today, one to Kevan Bendt, Mom, and Meg Whipp. I hope they arrive in good time. there was a ton of work to do this week and so I didn't have much time to rest or walk. It's so funny to think that we know this area better than the taxis and people. people ask us for directions and we know all the short cuts that are super dangerous, but you gotta take what you gotta take, even though I don't think God would protect us for being stupid. My legs are bough and I can climb a mountain hill in like 15 minutes. Which is fast. It's so true that if you have unity and love in your companionship you have the spirit in the lessons. I don't know if I've already said this but it's as if our area is a wet rag and me and Elder Mathis are each hand, wringing it out of it's chosen people. That is a bit prideful but the Lord is blessing us so much and now that I can speak the language it's so easy to find people's needs and hit them with the spirit fist. 

  My testimony of the apostasy is really strong and I feel bad about what I said about a catholics last time. It's a huge thing here though that the catholic pope resigned and people now are losing their faith in the catholic church, which is good and bad,. it's helps us with how we have a Prophet today that lives and doesn't resign, but if it wasn't for the catholics than we would have start from scratch with the lessons. Everyone here believes in God. I haven't met anyone that doesn't believe in God here. Which helps a ton. I love the work I'm doing and I only feel bad that I'm almost 1/4 done. It's going by way to fast I wish it would slow down. I miss everyone and I spend a lot of time at nights thinking about how cool my life was before and how much I dreaded that eagle project, which helped prepare me for my mission so much. Honestly growing up in the true church of God, is the best, because now I have an eagle scout, great friends and support from the ward. I'm serving a mission and learning spanish which is such a useful language it's relic and I have a unbreakable testimony of the restoration.            

    I had and have the best friends and leaders and parents and family and mission. Seriously this mission is rockin'. Our mission baptizes a new ward every month. I still have so much to learn but what I'M most stoked for is my birthday tomorrow. I have literally no plans because we are packed from 10 till 8 so maybe I'll enjoy a cup of noodles at night or something. I got a package from Harrison just barely. I have it in my arms now but it's unopened. So maybe I'll wait till tomorrow to open it for my birthday. What ever it is thanks Harry and thank your family. I don't have my journal with me, which I normally read and write from it so I don't forget, but I don't have it with me today. 

   I love you all and I'm sorry that I always sound prideful in my letters. I just get really excited that I can talk with you guys. Keep up the good work everyone and go manchester united. I hope to dominate people in soccer when I return, that's a threat. Alright I'm off.

 Elder Michael guadelupe hernandez sumeria godninez the thrid 3

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