Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 11

Hey everybody:

   So I finished another week, and this week was just as crazy as last week. I expect every week will be though. I just saw a guy get thrown out of his store that he runs. His shirt got ripped off and he got the crap beaten out of him by 9 guys with guns. People all over the streets just have AK's and are always drunk. Dogs here are bad. I didn't see it last week but this week, I was fighting dogs off all week, especially in the jungle is were the wild dogs are and one bit me but I only got a little scar on my hand . It didnt enter though, but I never thought I would be using the book of mormon as a weapon.

   We got a baptismal date this week with a lady who have a lot of trouble. Every lesson is a cry fest with her, but we do our best. Here are some die hard Catholics and would never think twice about letting us into there house, in fact almost everyone here is Catholic, which means they all believe in God, which means that I haven't had to teach that lesson nor will I probably. Also there are no seat belts in this place. Every taxi and car just drives crazy without a seat belt. Our ward had a Christmas Party with pinadas and food it was cool and we got a family of investigators to come. 

   Me and my comp are really cool  or in nos caimos bien or we fall well together. The language is still really hard, people are speaking way to fast for anyone to understand. People will just ask me direct questions and I won't understand a single word. It's all good though. I'm learing more and more every day. A lot of it just doesn't make sense, you just have to memorize over and over and over again. Today is p-day, and I woke up and worked out. We work out every day here and it's great. I'm already getting really strong. Well at least alot more strong than I was working and eating at wendy's. 

I got my first mexican hair cut today and me and Elder Mathis baked a cake together. We are going to give it to this family that lives near us. They aren't very rich but they are always giving giving giving to us everything. Things are so different here, like literally everything. You have to be careful what you say because you never know if people are going to take offense to it. People really don't like americans here because they think they are all racist. We get made fun of daily by people all over the streets. It really doesn't get to me thought because I can't understand what they are saying. Even the members will make fun of us because we can't roll our rr's or because we have alot of arm hair. We have to turn on our biuoler every morming at like 6 because it takes a while to warm up. I honestly cant remember what I've said and what I haven't so I'm just going to speak my mind as fast as I can. 

  Something really popular here is rice and bananas toghether, go figure but people love it . I'm like in the poorest area in the whole mission which is awesome. I love it. People are so humble and they will just spill all there thoughts and feelings to you and start crying half way throught the apostasy, but people here are reallly flaky. They are never home when they say they will be and it ruins everything. It's pretty cold here actually now that I think of it. It's really high altitude so it makes climbing the hills in my area really hard, btw my area is on a side of a mountain and part of it is in the jungle. It's way cool but it's alot of walking, constantly we have to climb and lower and climb, it's destroys your knees like no other. Some of the micros here play really cool spanish station,  and I can help but fall alseep every time I get a seat in the micros. I'm always so tired but I love it. I've seen like 80 people on a micro. its crazy. those who have bags on micros are hated becasue it takes up to much space. one of our investigators wants to get baptized but isn't getting married until May. dahhhhh!!! because the people here are so rich. 

   The food isn't the best. It's good but really different. You wouldn't find a burrito 100 miles of here, but once I had enchiladas, once. A meal here is different too because they always have a first meal which almost always is some kind of macaroni soup and or rice and bananas. Then they give you the main meal which includes really fatty meat and tortillas. Always tortillas. I haven't had a meal yet that I couldn't stuff into a tortilla. I love it. We are really busy every day and in reality we could use like 8 more people in our area and like 900 more in our mission. I love it because the people here believe in the Santo Muerte or death as an actual being and the fear him so they sacrifice animals. I never thought I would be in such a different place as this.

  I always under estimate how different our cultures are, and people are really small here. I think it's so funny that I'm the tall one and people always have me grab things for them. I'm like not tall though so its weird. My whole world feels shrunk in. My legs can't fit in micros seats and my head hits things now. Tall people are so lucky. The sour cream here is funky too it's like really liquidy like a cream and it's not very common. People love their pollo (chicken) here though. We had hot dogs the other day and the hot dogs here are different to but I like them. It's like a salad on a dog. A lot of veggies and chilis and the ketchup here is different too, people love it on their pizza and it's actually pretty good. We don't get the chance to eat out or at the stands because people always want us over for meals. We spring cleaned our house because I have been sick for 3 weeks now. It's no bueno. I'm fighting athletes foot, and it's a battle that I'm losing,  I hate it. And with our toilet every other day we have to fix it. Either the water pressure or something is just crappy made, or  it's mother clogged for like 5 days. 

  I also love here how spiderman is called hombre arana. I always laugh at that, there is so much to talk about and I literally have the most interesting journal ever but what really makes my mission awesome is the missionary work. We work really hard with the members and we are constantly late for things because here in mexico people love to talk and talk fast. So they will talk 40 minutes after the appointment. The work is truly inspired of the Lord though. I have seen miracles that I didn't think I would see ever with people and dogs and toilets. You would never have a stronger testimony of this work untill you go on a mission and see with your own eyes the miracles that the Lord has in store for you and his children and his work. I'm so glad to be apart of this and there is no way I'm coming home early. This is where I was meant to be and the fact that I can actually help people is the best feeling ever, all I want to do is do service for poeple

 I'm always sad that they say they don't have any work for us to do, but this city had so much personality and the people here are either really mean to us or too nice to us. My stomach has double but my weight has half. All the walking and working out in this high altitude is rough, but my leg muscles are beast or at least they will be. I miss everyone so much especially at this time of year, I want to be home so badly sitting at the table for some sour cream chili bean bake or taco bell. I still swear that taco bell is the real mexican food. 

Did dallas get the preisthood yet??  oh bty my address is    

Av. Progreso 106, 3° Piso
   Barrio Santa Catarina, Coyoacán
     Districto Federal 04010 

I think it's in my packet that I left home, and sorry for my spelling. I really can't spell anything anymore now that I'm learning spanish. The biggest problem we have here is that everyone drinks, everyone smokes, and everyone lives together and isn't married. That and no one likes to come to church. We have a ward of about 60 people and we share it with 2 other missionaries. So we are working really hard to get baptisms for this ward. The bishop expects a lot out of us. 20 baptisms this month between 4 elders. I have faith though, but time is running out. As far as the christmas spirit goes, this is how you should feel when chrsitmas comes. True love for the Savior and his Atonement. We go around and sing to the members because (there not very good at singing ) We sing christmas songs and share the story in Luke about the Savior's birth. 

I miss you guys way to much and can't wait to call you in a couple weeks. We might be able to skype but I'm not sure yet. 

I love you guys 

Elder Ordway!!!!

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