Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 3!

Hey guys:

   My hands are really cold, so it is hard to type fast and accurate, especially because the more I learn spanish, the more I forget how to spell in English. It is funny because there is no caffeine here.
    Elder maeser in our district has weekly imports from his family of mountain dew, and it is like gold here at the MTC. Not once have I seen any rolled up sleaves, that's just not what you do here, and your not cool if you do do it. Lol. 
   A lot of missionaries here are very talented. They come from doing all sorts all college sports, and playing the piano their whole lives.. some are extremly good at violin. It's also funny because fashion doesn't exist here, besides how cool someones watch and tie are. Everyone looks exactly the same. Someone who was really cool or hipster before, you couldn't tell now. Also, the longer you are at the MTC, the cooler your are, and in a lot of ways, the older you are even though I'm older than half the people here. the fact that they have like 1 week on me makes them older and more wiser. 

    I have 4 investigators, one dropped :(, but one is going great, one is alright and one doesn't have much time. These are fake investigators though; but they feel real. Everytime you go into their room,  there is a lot of pressure to speak spanish perfectly. We are learning indirect object pronouns and direct objects right now in spanish ( for those who want to know). Its also funny because all the songs in the spanish hymn book are unknown to us, so we only know like 3 songs, and you sing two every day. There is a guy in our disrtict though who only reads his spanish hymn book. He's bad in Spanish, but he knows his hymns. 

   Every day when we go to our activities at 6 in the morning, its like in the 30's or something here, because my head after my shower is like an ice cube, which then cools my whole body. It is getting very cold here, but it hasn't snowed yet. The dear elders you guys send are great, but don't feel any pressure to write every day. The longer I'm here at the MTC, the less letters everyone gets. Someone got 8 though last night which is a record for us. Companion inventories are very awkward. especially with my companion. We are doing alright. but he expects way to much of himself. He always has his nose in his notebook, but in reality he is listening to us talk and make conversation in spanish. There is a lot of tension right now in our zone on who is going to be the next zone leaders. There are two per zone and they have to be companions. Everyone says it is going to be me and Holman, but I wish it wasn't yet. 

    The older district is leaving sunday and the other older district doesn't have much time left. which leaves us. Im so glad that Im reading the book of mormon again. I understand and learn so much from it now. I wish i could go back in time and re-teach my sunday school class all the stuff I have learned. I never realized how important it is to be reading the BOM. I go to the story about twice a week and get 160 flash cards. Every word that I don't know, I write it down and then put it on a flash card. So I'm shooting up in the class in regards to spanish. I feel bad though because some people are really struggling. Every other day we do this thing called story time. Its where our district tells stories and we laugh. it is very interesting. It's a good time to let our any anger or stress that you have too. Two people said that without story time, they would have left. I dont think I have stressed.

 How fun and awesome and IMPORTANT winning soccer is to our zone. Since we are doing district vs district, we take 15 minutes before the game to plan our strategy. We are all trying our hardest, and it gets real our there fast. During our sunday and tuesday devotionals, when the time is like 7:00 there are watches beeping everywhere, since the whole MTC is in one room. it is like a bomb of beeps going off. I think it is hilarious. For dinner the other day we had Navajo tacos. I think it is ironic that when we would have the missionaries over for dinner,. we would make navajo tacos and now I'm the missionary having them, but they are very good here. 

   The MTC doesn't serve anything spicy ever. even when it says hot wings. It's just so lame not even sweet and sour just fake sauce, but it's all good. I'm curious how people are doing from our ward. 

 Is it raining all the time there? It rains every other day here but then becomes sunny again. I do not like cold and everyone in my district insist on having the windows open. I hate it,  I dont know how these guys are going to stand Mexico. haha. Our personal time after each day is spent running around the dorms playing soccer, basketball, pelt ball, watergun fights, and telling storys. This all happens in the halls and dorms, so it is wild. No one ever obeys the 10:15 quit time and definitly not the 10:30 lights out. People go to bed at like 11:30 here every night. I dont know how they do it. I occasionaly will stay up talking but I always pay for it during every class and devotional. I can't remember the last time I didn't sleep through the tuesday wokshops. The temple was great today. we got to help fold the temple clothes. I saw Eric hosting. I think he leaves this sunday for 40 hours of travel time to africa. I guess thats all about i have to this time. Just make sure that you send me people address's have ellie collect them all on facebook and send them to me. I would love more people to write.I love you bYE!!  - Elder Ordway

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 1

  Hey Everyone. Im doing great!! The MTC is really cool. The food here is awesome, and literally everyone here has a great personality and is very kind to everyone. I feel like belong here. 
   When I left I thought that I would miss home alot, but I is as if this is my new home. Thats not to say though that I dont miss home alot. Every night when I get your Dear elders, I think of what Im missing and it is really hard to imagin, but I am blesses here unlike I have evr been before. 
    The food here is decent, the first week it was alright, but now it is starting to make me gain weight already. plus it is not very good for you. Every morning though at 6, I wake up and work out so it makes up for it. The spirit here is crazy. Everywhere you go there is the spirit in the room. I can focus in every class or workshiop. Although You get about 6 hours sleep here each night. Which makes my days so tried. 
     I cant wait for general conference. Although missionaries wont be able to sing in the choir. The language is coming nicely. Im the best one in my class at spanish, so evryone calls me Maestro Ordway. Ive gotten used to being called Elder now, and it is as if ive forgotten my first name already. During Class we have a teacher who comes every other day and teaches us for about 2 hours. Her name is Hermana Bradley and she is way cool. There is also like 4 other adults who are return missionaries walking around and given spiritual advice to people. Ive learned that it is not how good you are at speaking your language, its about how good you are at speaking with the spirit that teaches people, its so true!! 
     Every day here except sundays and P day, you have Gym whether at 6:15 in the morning or in the afternoon. Either way my two favorite sports are being playing Soccer, and Volleyball. everyone here is really good at both, so I enjoy it so much. During afternoon gym, we can play beach volleyball or field soccor. We do district vs district, which is about 10 v 10. Its so much fun. 

     My companion's name Is Elder Holman, and he is from mesa Arizona. He is a cool guy, but it is like being companions with a 40 year old. He is always so serious. Which kind of sucks, but Ive gotten used to it. Eric tells me his companion is the same way. i have only seen Eric 3 times now. luckily once at the temple. it was such a great time talking with him. Waking up at 6 is killer. iT is always dark out, like midnight dark, adn you can barely think striaght, It makes you tired for the whole week. Luckily today I can take a nap. We are going to have a squirt gun fight here soon after im done typing here. and I guess you have to sign up for a hairciut 2 weeks in advance, and my hari is getting long. by the way.

    I dont wont to miss a moment here at the MTC, so many funny things happen. And everyone here has jokes that are church related which make them evern more funny. On our second day here, we got a fake investager, who we haveto speak spanish to. after a couple lesson we commited her to baptism. The lesson were verry hard, since my companinon doesnt speak a lic of spanish. The guys in my district are all very funny and there is one guy:Elder Barcus, who is kind of a "rebel" he doesnt obey the rules and he gets a package every single daye, he is at 6 already. food and candy evry time for him lol. The Provo temple is cool adn it was a great experience to go today. i did an endowment session here and got lost in the temple, haha. 

   The food in the temple was great. Keep sending me Dearelders and tell all my friends to write me, I miss them and reaaaally want to hear from them. But I love all the dear elders, they help every night. We have a MTC Store here that is like a mini walmart. It seem like they have evrything here. Ow by the way, if you find my watch please send it. I cant give you my address yet, but i will send you a letter as soon as i get off this computer.We all beared our testimony this sunday in spanish. and after 1 day, we are to all pray in spanish every night. it is crazy heree.I am very interested in your vacation, let me know how it went. Also once a week we do service here, and clean some part of the MTC, The rules here are very strict and it is hard to follow them all. but we have a little white handbook. In the showers every morning, people are singing and it brings so much joy to me. Everyone is singing in spanish or english church songs. Every morning and night i brush my teeth and put on my church clothes. We wear our suits here like every day its crazy. My mind goes 1000 miles an hour here at night;  going over what ive learned and writing in my diary,  and talking. 

The days feel like weeks and it feels as if I've been here for a month. We have 4 district in our zone, and our zone is really tight, everyone here is wrestling after classes and stuff. The bed kinda sucks, but I got used to it. It thought I lost my wallet but i then found it again. I cant wait to take a 4 hour nap today. A guy in my disctrict plays sc2 alot and i guess is pretty good. Everyone her talks about Harry Potter and Lord of the rings and smash bros, its really awesome. 

  The shoe orthodics are really nice and are really coming in handy. It seems like everyone here is from Utah, Arizona, or California. I'm reading in matthew right now about christs works here on earth. I guess there are these things here called narnia holes, where items and presents are hidden in your dorms and class rooms. 

You spend all your day in your class room teaching yourself. You rarely get a teacher, so your spending the whole day in class studying by yourself and with your companion. Thats why im all over the place. but keep me updated on the Ducks and tell Jeff thanks for writing to me. 

 Im just glad to be able to rest now on my P day. It blows my7 midnd how busy you are here. there is never ny time to do anyhthing. Well I love you alol, i have 30 seconds left. Tell everyone to write me adn that i love them. until next week bye.